Hello everyone I’m here with another topic of online earning. Today we going to explore How Does Cryptocurrency Works. If you want to learn about cryptocurrency and how does cryptocurrency work? you are at the right place. I will guide you from basic to advanced about cryptocurrency in this article. After reading this article crypto will be converted from crypto new to crypto genius. So let us get started.
Table of Contents:
How Does Crypto Currency Work: |
What is cryptocurrency? |
How Does Crypto Currency work: |
Distinctive Advantages of Crypto Currency: |
What is a Block and Block Chain? |
Dark Side of Cryptocurrency: |
Wrapping Up, How Does Cryptocurrency Work: |
Hello everyone! Have you ever been curious about the workings of digital currencies like Ethereum or Bitcoin? It’s comparable to the enchanted virtual currency that’s becoming popular. Let’s explore the world of cryptocurrencies. And discover the secret behind their operation. Consider it a far more sophisticated digital piggy bank that runs on blockchain technology. So, take a virtual seat and join me for a short conversation on the interesting world of cryptocurrencies and how cryptocurrency works!
What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency or digital money that you cannot touch. You can’t exchange this money physically but can transfer it online. You can sell this currency and get physical money, that you can use to buy whatever you need. Cryptocurrency has different forms like bitcoin, ethidium, ethidium light, bake, cake, etc.
There are many forms just like physical currency. What you have to do in cryptocurrency, is just have to buy the coins, and sell them when their price increases. You can hold the coin as long as you want, and sell it when you need it, or when you find its good price. Keep in mind there are chances may be chances of losing side-by-side. No one hacks this system as there is no chance as 99.9% of the copies are the same. This system is leading us toward open traceable transactions.

How Does Crypto Currency Work:
Stage One:
There was no such thing as money when society was in its early stages. This is called stage one. If someone wants to buy something from someone, he goes to him and says, “Oh, like your horse. You might like my cat or something else. So, exchange it. But the problem was that you might like the horse but you do not want to exchange it with a cat because you like it too. And then to cater to this problem, currency was invented.
Stage Two:
These currencies were made of gold or silver; everyone accepted them happily as they were precious metals and added value. You must have heard about pounds; these are called pounds because they equal one pound of silver. So, in trade it does not matter what you want to buy you can buy it in exchange for these coins. Because you were sure that you could buy conveniently with this coin as it is precious.
Stage Three:
After this evolved stage three, the banks became established. The governments came into action and controlled, as long as there was trust in the system. People were shifted from carrying something very precious to something very convenient. That was obviously in the form of paper money. This was just a piece of paper but had value to a certain amount of metal coins, as prescribed by the government. These paper notes are just receipts for a certain amount of money, but not the real money.
But now as technology is improving further, we found even more convenient ways of storing and trading stuff.
Stage Four:
In stage four, where more people than ever are buying things than ever in history. We are using credit cards and online money transfers; we use money without seeing it. We are not exchanging money but there are just entries in the spreadsheets. For example, if I buy something from Amazon, for 10 dollars, all that happens is that my bank adds an entry in my spreadsheet that says that I now have 10 dollars less, while Amazon bank has an entry that says they have 10 dollars more. So, the reason for this whole context is to make you understand where cryptocurrency sits. This is the most convenient era of exchange.
Stage Five:
This is the stage of 100% virtual money is a cryptocurrency, although it looks like coins on the screen there are no coins. There is no gold, no silver, no paper currency, but the core concept is the same. The entries, transactions, and data all are on the spreadsheets. But no bank systems are involved. The system controlling and having all the spreadsheets is called a ledger. Well, we all have the spreadsheets but what makes crypto crazy is its advantages over the other currency systems.
Distinctive Advantages of Crypto Currency:
There are some distinctive advantages of the cryptocurrency system.
1. Decentralization
It means that every single transaction of cryptocurrency is on record, and recorded on the same ledger. And there are many copies of a ledger. And anyone who is part of this system has one copy.
You might have heard about crypto mining or bitcoin mining, well, all this is someone who set up a computer to crunch those transactions on their copy of this ledger or spreadsheet. There are one million Bitcoin mines around the world when someone, for example, spends 5 bitcoins, the data of this transaction updates immediately in all spreadsheets. So, there is zero chance of fishy in this money system.
2. No Need od Banks:
The main perk of cryptocurrency is that there is no need for banks. Everything is stored by the people in this ledger. You can make international payments almost instantly, without spending lots of time in long bank processes. There is no issue with spending limits. The best part is there is no need to worry about the interest rates, or exchange rates, even if the transaction fee is close to zero.
What is a Block and Block Chain?
The reason why cryptocurrency is called cryptocurrency is cryptography. Like Bitcoin and blockchain, lots of people are confused about blockchain and Blocks in cryptocurrency. Well, blockchain is not Bitcoin. You need to clear the concept here. A blockchain is a safe form of ledger. Blockchain is a way of organizing spreadsheets of data into blocks.
So, every time I make a transaction of bitcoin it is stored in the form of a block. Like each block contains the data that who paid, and how much. This information is in the form of a hash, which is a unique identification. The hash of the previous block and last transaction was recorded. Blockchain is a combination of these blocks, that consists of all the transactional data and ensures transparency. The pivot on which this system rests is that if something in a block is changed, then the hash of that blog will also be changed.

Dark Side of Cryptocurrency:
One of the main ones that people don’t take cryptocurrency seriously, is its volatility. These currencies are so new, and they are completely digital. Unlike the gold market, no one knows what they should be worth. And you will find that the crypto prices are quite heavily speculative. The second dark side is that they are not acceptable as a form of payment, in most places.
Yes, I can pay to many international hotels for booking with crypto, and I can donate to Wikipedia with crypto. But yes, there is a fact that I cannot pay lots of companies with it. As lots of companies are in back and forth with it. Even companies like Microsoft, tesla, and Burger King said they would accept Bitcoin but then they refused to accept crypto and bitcoins as payment.
3rd dark side is environmental concerns, as you know while using crypto all the records and data are transferred to all the systems to ensure transparency, but for this purpose, we need to turn on all the computers all the time, where data is stored and updated. For this, there is a lot of energy consumption that is not environmentally friendly. But on the other hand, banks also are consuming lots of electricity. This issue will be solved with renewable energy resources.
4th thing is that real policing and regulations for criminal activities are still at a loose end with cryptocurrency.
Wrapping Up, How Does Cryptocurrency Work:
Cryptocurrency is the future of the digital growing world. Cryptocurrency is digital currency, that is controlled by blockchains. This is the most transparent, decentralized quick, and advanced form of digital wealth. That can be transferred throughout the world without any transaction fee, or interest within seconds.
The cryptocurrency market is most volatile and its value is multiplying faster than any other form of currency in history. Your currency is safe and sound in the form of digital wallets, and the track records are safe in the form of blockchains with modern and innovative technology.
So that today’s article about How Does Cryptocurrency Work. I hope you will get benefit.